
Archive for the ‘Book Review’ Category

Book Review: The Silent Intelligence – The Internet of Things

February 18, 2014 Leave a comment

The Silent Intelligence - Book Cover

Recently, I stumbled upon the book “The Silent Intelligence”. The book is an introduction to the internet of things. It is one of these books that after reading 20 pages, you are just hooked and you want to continue to read it until it is completely finished.

The internet of things is a term you frequently hear about in regular and tech press, but it is a term that is rather vague for the general audience. Most people think it means stuff like fridges allowing you to check your mail, configuring your TV over the internet to record a certain TV show, etc. But this has nothing to do with the Internet of Things.

As the book also clearly explains, the internet of things is about smart sensors and devices that collect statistics for machine driven decisions and processes. It about systems that can measure and predict if you will have a heart attack before you will actually have it, connected cars to reduce car accidents, ERP systems that exactly track the location and condition of specific goods, …

The book follows a practical approach and explains many examples, both existing systems and new business models of which the authors believe they will appear in the (near) future. People with an entrepreneurship mindset, will find it a great source of inspiration to extend their current business vision or business model, or maybe for the next big innovation 😉

A recommended read!

Categories: Book Review